
Success is not the key to happiness.  Happiness is the key to success.  If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. ~Herman Cain, American newspaper columnist, present day

Houston juvenile defense attorney Jim Sullivan agrees that if you love what you are doing, you will be successful.  Sullivan encourages his juvenile clients to pursue success through education and applying their time, talents and treasure to a worthy cause.  In this way, they will develop their true potential and learn what kind of work they could do that would be personally fulfilling.  Too many juveniles drop out of high school, have kids at a young age and are forced to work at minimum wage dead end jobs to get by.

Jim Sullivan counsels all of his juvenile clients to stay the course in school, to avoid drugs and to try and obtain a part time job while in school.  Even a volunteer position at a non-profit organization could give a young person valuable job skills that could translate into a good paying job down the road.  Jim Sullivan encourages all of his clients to work hard, study hard and have hope and faith in the future.  Jim Sullivan is Board Certified in Juvenile Law.  You can call Attorney Jim Sullivan at 281-546-6428.