
It is better to be a child of God than king of the whole world. ~St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Italian Jesuit, 16th century

Houston criminal defense lawyer Jim Sullivan represents and fights for those who have lost their way in life.  So many people have been misled by culture, media and advertising that happiness can only be obtained by buying stuff and surrounding themselves by meaningless materialism.  They live above their means and go into debt that they cannot hope to ever repay.  Their mindless quest for happiness ends in increased stress, anxiety and even divorce.  Others steal and swindle to get their stuff.

Houston and Harris county criminal defense attorney Jim Sullivan often represents adults and juveniles on theft related offenses.  Last week, he represented two different juveniles in JP court on class C theft cases for shoplifting less than $50 worth of items from stores.  Last year, he represented a woman who took advantage of her position as an accountant to embezzle over $150,000 from her employer.  This year, he represented a man who stole over $90,000.  No matter the amount of the theft, a conviction for theft can ruin your life and negatively affect you for a lifetime.

Attorney Jim Sullivan works to resolve theft cases so that a person can later get their criminal record expunged or sealed (non-disclosure) to the public.

Jim Sullivan is also Board Certified in Juvenile Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  Juvenile Law is different than criminal law.

If you need a Houston criminal lawyer to represent you or your child, call Jim Sullivan at 281-546-6428.