
Attorneys Jim Sullivan and Associates, Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys

Conroe, Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys Jim Sullivan and Associates have handled over 4000 cases and have a collective 40 years experience defending adults and  juveniles in criminal, juvenile, and family courts  in Montgomery County and throughout the State of Texas.

Jim Sullivan cares about his clients and gets proven results.  He frequently counsels with clients at his office for hours at a time.  He listens to their concerns, answers all of their questions and discusses legal strategies.  He also explains how a criminal conviction could affect them, how to avoid having a conviction on their record, and how to get on the right path for a successful life.  Because Jim Sullivan understands that people need to honor work and family commitments, he offers evening, weekend and same day appointments along with free parking.
Jim Sullivan seeks real solutions to his clients’ legal problems.  In every criminal case, in order to be found guilty, the State has the burden to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  Jim Sullivan fights for his clients with the primary goal to get the case dismissed or won at trial.  When that is not possible or probable, his secondary goal is to prevent his client from receiving a conviction or incarceration, such as with deferred adjudication, regular probation or pretrial diversion.
If you are charged with a felony offense, Jim Sullivan may be able to get your case no billed (dismissed) by the grand jury, but there is a very brief window of time to do this.


Conroe, Texas Lawyer Jim Sullivan is Board Certified in Juvenile Law by the State of Texas.  Juvenile Law is different than criminal law. Note: Among the more than 83,000 active lawyers in Texas, there are only 38 lawyers Board Certified in Juvenile Law in private practice.  The other 27 such lawyers work for the government.

Conroe, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Jim Sullivan and Associates represent clients charged with  crimes in State courts in Houston, Galveston, Conroe, Beaumont, Austin, San Antonio, Waco, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Tyler, Sherman, Del Rio, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, McAllen, El Paso, Hempstead and all counties in Texas. The law firm of Jim Sullivan and Associates is located near FM 1960 in northwest Houston; however, Attorney Jim Sullivan appears in all criminal, juvenile, and family courts in Texas.

Montgomery County Criminal Defense Attorneys Jim Sullivan and Associates have over 40 years collective experience representing persons accused of committing criminal violations of State law. Together, Jim Sullivan and Associates have been the attorneys of record in over 4000 cases and are anticipating their 1000th case dismissal.

Conroe, Texas Criminal Attorney Jim Sullivan treats every person they represent as if they were a friend and neighbor.   When you call, likely Jim Sullivan will answer your call himself.  You will be dealing with Attorneys, not secretaries, assistants, or answering machines.

If we can be of any assistance, or you just want to talk about your situation, please call  Montgomery County Criminal Defense Attorney Jim Sullivan right now at 281-546-6428.


– Montgomery County Court at Law 1
Judge Dennis Watson
Atrium Building
210 West Davis
Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone: 936-539-7831
Fax: 936-538-8090

  • Court Coordinator Peggy Inglet
  • Court Reporter J. Renae Young
  • Bailiff Deputy Carles Webb
  • Probation Assistant Randi Easterling
  • Probation Liaison Christian Smith

– Montgomery County Court at Law 2
Judge Jerry Winfree
Atrium Building
210 West Davis
Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone: 936-539-7832
Fax: 936-788-8357
– Montgomery County Court at Law 3
Judge Mason Martin
Atrium Building
210 West Davis
Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone: 936-539-7973
Fax: 936-760-6942
– Montgomery County Court at Law 4
Judge Mary Ann Turner
301 N. Main
Conroe, Texas 77301
Phone: 936-538-8174
Fax: 936-760-6904
Court Coordinator Therese Pringle
Court Reporter Pam May
Probate Clerk Randi Easterling
Bailiff Lloyd Ranels
Probation Liason Reginald Hernandez
– 9th District Court
Judge Fred Edwards
9th District Court
Montgomery County Courthouse
301 North Main, Suite 110
Conroe, Texas 77301
Phone: 936-539-7866 Fax: 936-788-8381
– 221st District Court
Judge Suzanne Stovall
Montgomery County Courthouse
301 North Main
Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone Number: 936-539-7808
Fax Number: 936-788-8364
– 284th District Court
Judge Cara Wood
Montgomery County
300 North Main
Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone Number: 936-539-7861
Fax Number: 936-538-3572
– 359th District Court
Judge Kathleen Hamilton
Montgomery County
300 North Main
Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone Number: 936-539-7900
Fax Number: 936-538-8187
– 410th District Court
Judge K. Michael Mayes
Montgomery County Courthouse
301 North Main Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone: 936-539-7860 or 281-364-4200
Fax: 936-538-8160
District Attorney
Michael A. McDougal
207 W. Phillips, 2nd Floor
Conroe, Texas  77301
Phone: 936-539-7800
Fax: 936-760-6940
Montgomery County Sheriffs office
Sheriff Tommy Gage
Contact Information:
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office
#1 Criminal Justice Drive, Conroe, Tx 77301
Emergencies – 911
Non-emergencies & General Info. – (936)760-5871 or (281)353-9791
Sheriff’s Communications – (936)760-5800 or (281)353-9791 ext. 5800