
Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan wins again.  He set another serious felony charge of Assault Family Member by Impeding Breathing (strangulation) for a Jury Trial.  On the date of trial, the prosecutor dismissed the charges.  The accused adamantly insisted on his innocence despite his soon to be ex-wife’s outrageous allegations.  She had plenty of reasons to make up the heinous allegations, but Sullivan insisted that his client go to trial–even after the prosecutors offered him time served on a misdemeanor.  The Houston criminal lawyer would like all of his innocent clients to go to trial, but the reality is that not everyone facing felony charges has the courage to stand up against the overwhelming power of the government.

If you need a Houston Criminal Lawyer, you can call Jim Sullivan at 281-546-6428.

04/04/11 1285290 174TH ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE BY CHOKING (3° Felony)
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