
You May Need a Houston Criminal Lawyer if you have a sexual attraction to a 13 year old girl in the neighborhood and act out on it.

Houston Sex Crime Defense Lawyers Jim Sullivan and Associates can help you if you are charged with a sex offense, such as Aggravated Sexual Assault.  To get the best result, hire an experienced Houston criminal defense trial attorney. If you need a Houston Criminal...

You May Need a Houston Criminal Lawyer if You Cannot Resist the Impulse to Act Out on Your Sexual Attraction to Children

Houston Criminal Lawyers Jim Sullivan & Associates represent real people accused of serious felony offenses such as Indecency with a Child.  To get the best result, hire an experienced Houston criminal defense trial attorney. If you need a Houston Criminal Lawyer,...

Renunciation Defense to Criminal Conduct – Houston Criminal Lawyer can advise you.

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan defends people accused of all kinds of criminal offenses and has successfully utilized many different kinds of defenses to get the best possible result.  You can call him at 281-546-6428. Texas Penal Code, Section 15.04 –...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan defends fellow Houstonians from governmental prosecution.

Houston Criminal Lawyers Jim Sullivan and Associates defend Houstonians and folks from all over southeast Texas in criminal court from governmental prosecution. To get the best result, hire an experienced Houston criminal defense trial attorney. If you need a Houston...