by James Sullivan | Oct 14, 2011 | Attorney Jim Sullivan, Criminal Attorney, Criminal Defense, Criminal Defense Attorney, Criminal defense lawyer, Criminal law, Criminal Lawyer, Houston criminal attorney, Houston Criminal Attorneys, Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer, Houston Criminal Lawyer, Houston Criminal Lawyers, Houston Juvenile Attorney, Houston Juvenile Lawyer, Jim Sullivan, Juvenile Attorney, Juvenile Defense Attorney, Juvenile Defense Lawyer, Juvenile Law, Juvenile Lawyer
Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained. ~James A. Garfield, 20th President of the U.S., 19th century Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jim Sullivan represents and fights in...
by James Sullivan | Sep 3, 2011 | Attorney Jim Sullivan, Criminal Attorney, Criminal Defense, Criminal Defense Attorney, Criminal defense lawyer, Criminal law, Criminal Lawyer, Harris County, Harris County Criminal Attorney, Harris County Criminal Defense Attorney, Harris County Criminal Defense Lawyer, Harris County Criminal Lawyer, Harris County Texas, Houston criminal attorney, Houston Criminal Attorneys, Houston Criminal Defense Attorney, Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys, Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer, Houston Criminal Defense Lawyers, Houston Criminal Lawyer, Houston Juvenile Attorney, Houston Juvenile Attorneys, Houston Juvenile Defense Attorney, Houston Juvenile Defense Attorneys, Houston Juvenile Defense Lawyer, Houston Juvenile Defense Lawyers, Houston Juvenile Lawyer, Houston Juvenile Lawyers, James Sullivan, Jim Sullivan
It is not hard work that is dreary; it is superficial work. ~Edith Hamilton, American educator and author, 20th century Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan has practiced criminal and juvenile defense law since 1994. He has successfully represented over 3,000...
by James Sullivan | Aug 11, 2011 | Closing argument, Criminal Defense, Criminal defense lawyer, Cross-examination, Defense (legal), Jury, Law, Lawyer, Prosecutor
There are now dozens of television shows related to criminal defense trials. However, like many things on television networks, the picture they present is slightly skewed. Many important steps are missed, and therefore if you are accused of...
by James Sullivan | Jul 24, 2011 | Criminal Defense, Criminal defense lawyer, Lawyers and Law Firms, Services
Under Constitutional Law, residents of America have a right to be secure and private in their property and holdings. This, however, does not mean that they will never have to deal with a search and seizure. In fact, law enforcement has a right to search property in...
by James Sullivan | Jul 8, 2011 | Assault, Crime, Criminal Defense, Criminal defense lawyer, Criminal law, Driving under the influence, DWI, Law, Lawyer, Texas
Houston criminal lawyers Jim Sullivan and Associates represent people charged with DWI in Harris and surrounding counties. If you need a Houston DWI lawyer, you can call him at 281-546-6428.
by James Sullivan | Jul 4, 2011 | Criminal code, Criminal Defense, Criminal defense lawyer, Felony, Houston, Law, Services, United States
Houston Criminal Lawyers Jim Sullivan & Associates represent real people accused of serious felony offenses including Improper Photography or Visual Recording. Do you need a Houston Juvenile Defense Lawyer? You can call Jim Sullivan at 281-546-6428. Texas Penal...