
Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan defends fellow Houstonians from governmental prosecution.

Houston Criminal Lawyers Jim Sullivan and Associates defend Houstonians and folks from all over southeast Texas in criminal court from governmental prosecution. To get the best result, hire an experienced Houston criminal defense trial attorney. If you need a Houston...

Houston Criminal Lawyer – Be good, not evil–or call a defense lawyer.

Be submissive to good, unbending to evil, gentle in generosity, untiring in love, just in all things.~ St. Columban, Irish missionary, 6th century. If everyone sought to be good, there would be no or certainly less of a need for police, prosecutors, criminal lawyers...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Represents the Mentally Ill

Insanity – a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.  ~R.D. Laing, psychiatrist and author (1927-1989) Houston criminal lawyers Jim Sullivan & Associates fight for their clients all the way to a jury trial.  They frequently represent men, women and...