by James Sullivan | Jul 4, 2011 | Criminal defense lawyer, Felony, Harris County Texas, Houston, Law, Personal property, Plaintiff, Post-dated check, Theft of services
Houston Theft Lawyer Jim Sullivan represents many people who are charged with Theft of Service. If you need a Houston Theft Lawyer, you can call Jim Sullivan right now at 281-546-6428. CHAPTER 31. THEFT § 31.04. THEFT OF SERVICE. (a) A person commits theft of...
by James Sullivan | Jul 4, 2011 | Assault, Felony, Grand Jury, Houston, Jim Sullivan, Plaintiff, Surety
Houston Hot Check Lawyer Jim Sullivan got his client’s felony Forgery of a Financial Instrument NO BILLED (dismissed) by the Grand Jury. His client received a counterfeit $100 bill from a payroll check cashing facility. When he went to use it at a liquor...
by James Sullivan | Jul 4, 2011 | Cannabis, Criminal defense lawyer, Defense (legal), Felony, Harris County Texas, Houston, Jim Sullivan
Houston Criminal Lawyers Jim Sullivan and Nancy Botts represented 2 men accused of possessing 25 lbs of marihuana in Chambers County. A DPS Trooper pulled the men over for speeding and the men refused to allow the officer to search the vehicle. The officer kept the...
by James Sullivan | Jul 3, 2011 | Burglary, Felony, Grand Jury, Houston, Jim Sullivan, Jury trial, Law, Plaintiff, Police, Safe, Security, United States
Houston Theft Lawyer Jim Sullivan represented a man charged with the serious felony of Burglary of a Habitation in the 339th District Court. His client faced 2 to 20 years in prison. After investigating the case, interviewing witnesses and preparing the case for...
by James Sullivan | Jul 3, 2011 | Burglary, Criminal defense lawyer, Felony, Houston, James Sullivan, Law, Probable cause, Sheriff
Houston Theft Lawyer Jim Sullivan defended a man charged with Burglary of a Habitation in the 232nd District Court. His client said he didn’t do it. The attorney worked long hours investigating the case, searching for witnesses and preparing for trial. ...
by James Sullivan | Jul 3, 2011 | Criminal defense lawyer, Deferred Adjudication, Felony, Houston
Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan represented his client in the 338th District Court. It took four months to get the result his client wanted. The attorney was about to set the case for trial when the prosecutor finally agreed to reduce his client’s serious...