
Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Urges Clients to Keep An Open Mind

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom. ~Merry Browne, Author Houston criminal lawyers Jim Sullivan  and Associates have 55 collective years of criminal defense law experience.  They have successfully represented over 4,000 clients.   With such...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Inspires Hope

Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out. ~Vaclav Havel, Former Czech president, playwright and poet, present day Houston criminal defense trial attorney Jim Sullivan has...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Works Hard for His Clients

It is not hard work that is dreary; it is superficial work. ~Edith Hamilton, American educator and author, 20th century Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan has practiced criminal and juvenile defense law since 1994.  He has successfully represented over 3,000...

Criminal Law Is Different than Other Laws

Houston Criminal Defense Lawyers Criminal Law is also a very complex area of law.  Criminal law is evolving and punishment is becoming more extreme.   Many attorneys maintain a general practice wherein they handle cases from a number of different areas of law, such as...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan Expresses His Real Opinion

Harris County Criminal Lawyers Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates express their real opinions to their clients and prospective clients.  Truth and transparency.  Is that too much to ask?  You ask.  They give a straight answer. James Sullivan is...

Houston Criminal Lawyer asks Do you identify with the very successful or the underprivileged?

Harris County Criminal Lawyers Does your defense attorney identify with the power and achievements of the very successful or with the needs and sufferings of the underprivileged?  Where does your attorney office?  How much does he charge?  How lavish is his...