
ASLT FAM/HOUSE MEM IMPED BRTH – Houston Criminal Attorney gets Serious Felony Case Dismissed on Jury Trial setting!

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan wins again.  He set another serious felony charge of Assault Family Member by Impeding Breathing (strangulation) for a Jury Trial.  On the date of trial, the prosecutor dismissed the charges.  The accused adamantly insisted on his...

Houston Criminal Lawyer – Don’t drive intoxicated, but if you are arrested and accused of it, call a defense attorney.

Houston criminal lawyer Jim Sullivan represents people accused of DWI and all other types of crimes.  He encourages people to avoid driving if they have had too much to drink, however if you are pulled over and arrested for DWI, it is important that you call a...

Houston Criminal Lawyer – Give of yourself and you truly give.

Image via Wikipedia You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ~Kahlil Gibran Houston criminal lawyer Jim Sullivan gives his all when he is fighting for his client’s rights. He will fight his cases...