
Houston Criminal Attorney Jim Sullivan Appreciates the Thousands of Clients He Has Been Privileged to Represent

Give thanks for a little, and you will find a lot. ~Hausa proverb Houston criminal lawyer Jim Sullivan is gracious, appreciative and thankful for the many clients he has been privileged to represent and fight for over the years.  With  over 25 years of criminal...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Strives to Perform Great and Mighty Deeds to Make a Difference in the World

God has taken vessels just like you and me–marred and flawed as we are–and used us in great and mighty ways… God is not finished with you. ~The Power of Desperation, by Michael Catt, American Baptist minister, present day Houston criminal lawyer Jim...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Fights for Clients from Around the World

If one be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows one is a citizen of the world, and that one’s heart is no island cut off from other lands, but a continent that joins to them. ~Francis Bacon, English lawyer and philosopher, 16th century Houston criminal...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Review 7

I recommend Jim Sullivan to anyone who needs brilliant legal representation.  In a legal jungle, Jim is a lion.  Never intimidated, Jim courageously defended my rights and freedoms and we won.  My cases [indecency with a child] were difficult and complicated, but Jim...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Review 6

Jim Sullivan helped me every step of the way to get my record clean.  He is a very dedicated professional that truly listens to you and provides a way out when you are involved in a criminal situation.  I made a very foolish mistake of shoplifting and thought that I...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Review 5

Jim Sullivan is truly a man who goes above and beyond for his clients, the majority of which are children. These kids can’t properly speak for themselves in a court of law, but Jim can and does.  This man’s dedication to these children is phenomenal!  He...