
Arrested for Sexual Assault of a Child? Call Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer James Sullivan

Houston Sexual Assault Defense Lawyers In Texas, Statutory Rape is charged as Sexual Assault of a Child, a serious felony offense. If convicted as an adult, the defendant is required to register as a sex offender for life. If the alleged child victim is between 14 to...

Houston Domestic Violence Defense Attorney James Sullivan Gets Proven Results

Assault Domestic Violence Charges Defense Houston Domestic Assault Lawyers James Sullivan & Associates Most couples learn to resolve their differences or even end their relationships without resorting to domestic assault or family violence.  Sometimes, however,...

Child Abuse

Child Abuse Parents, family members, guardians or caretakers of children are often alarmed or stunned that they are accused of child abuse or neglect in the Greater Houston area. Because of reporting requirements in Texas, law enforcement officers usually will...

Harris County Criminal Attorney James Sullivan Can Defend You

Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer James (Jim) Sullivan is an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney.  For over 25 years, Jim Sullivan has successfully fought the government in Jury Trials on behalf of clients in criminal and juvenile courts. Jim Sullivan is also Board...

Texas’ New Romeo and Juliet Law Allows Exemptions from Sex Offender Registration for Some

  The label “sex offender” creates different pictures or meanings in the minds of people.  Thoughts of lifetime sex offender registration and social stigma may come to the mind of those accused.  For the general public, the label might convey thoughts...