
What Will Happen When My Child Goes to Juvenile Court?

What Will Happen When My Child Goes to Juvenile Court? The “arraignment” is the term of art used for your child’s first court setting.  Your child’s juvenile defense attorney uses this setting to gather information about your child’s case...

What Is Going to Happen to My Child if He Is Found Guilty?

What is Going to Happen to My Child if He Is Found Guilty? Actually, your child cannot be found guilty because juvenile proceedings are consider civil in nature. Instead, children are said to “have engaged in delinquent conduct” if the jury or judge finds...

What Is Going to Happen to my Child in Houston Juvenile Court?

 What is Going to Happen to my Child in Houston Juvenile Court? A Police Officer says my child is being charged with a crime. When juveniles are charged with a crime, they are often taken into custody by the police. Some times, the child is released to a parent or...