
You May Need a Houston Criminal Lawyer if You Forge or Knowingly Pass a Forged Check.

                             Image via Houston criminal lawyers Jim Sullivan & Associates represent people accused of forgery.  If you need a defense attorney, you can call him at 281-546-6428. Sec. 32.21.  FORGERY.  (a)  For purposes of this section:...

Shoplifting, Hot Check, Embezzlement, Extortion, Receiving Stolen Property – They Are All Classified as Theft. Not Sure About it? Call a Houston Criminal Lawyer.

TEXAS PENAL CODE TITLE 7. OFFENSES AGAINST PROPERTY CHAPTER 31. THEFT Sec. 31.02.  CONSOLIDATION OF THEFT OFFENSES.  Theft as defined in Section 31.03 constitutes a single offense superseding the separate offenses previously known as theft, theft by false pretext,...

Houston Theft Lawyer gets client’s Burglary of a Habitation case dismissed!

Houston Theft Lawyer Jim Sullivan represented a man charged with the serious felony of Burglary of a Habitation in the 339th District Court.  His client faced 2 to 20 years in prison.  After investigating the case, interviewing witnesses and preparing the case for...

Houston Attorney for CPS Investigations

Houston Attorney for CPS Investigations If you are contacted by Harris County Children’s Protective Services because they are investigating you or a family member, you must take this very seriously.  Not only could you or a family member be facing criminal or...