
I’m for truth, no matter who tells it.  I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against.  I’m a human being first and foremost, and as such I am for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole. ~Malcolm X, Muslim minister and human rights activist, 20th century

Hempstead Criminal Defense Attorneys Jim Sullivan and Associates have over 55 combined years of criminal defense law experience.  They have successfully represented over 4,000 clients.  They seek truth and justice for their many clients who are falsely accused.  People get falsely accused for all kinds of crimes by others due to jealousy, bitterness, anger, hatred, revenge and other emotions.  For example, in a divorce, one parent may falsely accuse the other of physical or sexual abuse against them self or against the children in order to gain custody or to punish the other for seeking a divorce.  Jim Sullivan represented one man in Waller county who was falsely accused of Aggravated Robbery.  The prosecutor finally dismissed all the charges on the first jury trial setting.  He has worked to get many serious felony charges dismissed or won at trial.

Jim Sullivan is also Board Certified in Juvenile Law. Juvenile Law is different than criminal law.

If you need serious legal representation, call them at 281-546-6428.