Houston Board Certified Juvenile Attorney for Sex Crimes

Children can be ordered to register as sex offenders until the age of 28.  Older children can be certified as adults and have their cases transferred to adult court where they could face many years in prison.  As their Board Certified Houston Juvenile Attorney, James (Jim) Sullivan will work hard to represent your child so that he will not have to register as a Texas sex offender and possibly not be found delinquent at all. Sullivan has represented many juveniles accused of sex offenses and have had their cases dismissed or reduced from a serious felony such as aggravated sexual assault of a child to a misdemeanor offense such as assault.
Sullivan has a proven record and reputation of fighting for children accused of sex crimes in court.  Your child should not be marked for life for something he or she did as a young teenager. Sullivan will work hard to make sure your child is not sent to TJJD (Texas Juvenile Justice Department).  In all of his cases, none of his clients have had to register as sex offenders, an ordeal that could have negatively impacted them for life.  In fact, Sullivan has actually worked to have several former clients of other juvenile lawyers be allowed to de-register from the public sex offender registration list. Sullivan has the experience in getting Houston juvenile sex offense cases dismissed or won at trial.
Attorney James Sullivan has proven experience in such serious sex offenses as:
- aggravated sexual assault of a child
- sexual assault of a child
- indecency with a child
- indecent exposure
- possession of child pornography
- promotion of child pornography
What many times is a horrible misunderstanding regarding your child’s sexual behavior James Sullivan will work hard to minimize or eliminate the effects of.  Sex offenses are always a deeply personal and serious issue, and Sullivan will work with the utmost respect, compassion and professionalism.  If your child has been accused of a sex offense, call Board Certified Houston Juvenile Defense Attorney James Sullivan today at 281-546-6428. He will help your child and your family get through it.