
Houston criminal defense lawyer Jim Sullivan encourages all to live a good life.  A good life will reflect their values, their beliefs and their character.  Most people strive to do good, yet fall short.  When the government charges someone with a crime, a true public shaming for allegedly falling way short of societal expectations, a defense attorney gets involved.

The attorneys at Jim Sullivan and Associates have over 55 years of combined criminal defense experience in defending and fighting for those the government accuses of falling way short.  They have represented thousands of fellow Texans across the state from governmental overreach.  They have won many trials, worked to have many cases to be no billed by grand juries and persuaded the prosecutors to dismiss hundreds of felony and misdemeanor cases.

If you want dedicated Houston criminal defense trial attorneys, call them at 281-546-6428.

True religion is the life we lead, not the creed we profess. ~Louis Nizer, British lawyer, 20th century

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