I’m convinced that every boy, in his heart, would rather steal second base than an automobile. ~Tom C. Clark, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, 20th century
Harris county juvenile defense attorney Jim Sullivan is board certified in Juvenile Law by the Texas board of legal specialization. He is only 1 of 38 such lawyers in private practice in the state of Texas.
Sullivan agrees that all of his clients, in their hearts, would rather play baseball than get caught up in the juvenile justice system. Unfortunately, many juveniles do not have that opportunity. Indeed, many come from broken homes where the mother has to work two jobs to support the children and cannot provide adequate supervision for them. There have been many instances where clients have found themselves in trouble because they associated with gang members or other juvenile delinquents when they were supposed to be at home while their mother was at work. Their mother is later shocked to learn that her son who did well in school and had no previous juvenile history was arrested for auto theft, aggravated robbery or other serious felony offense. Sullivan works hard to get his clients a good result. If you need a Houston juvenile lawyer, you can call him at 281-546-6428.