Harris County Criminal Lawyers

Houston criminal and juvenile defense lawyers James Sullivan & Associates understand the strong correlation between poverty and crime. Many people become poor through no fault of their own. Companies transfer their jobs overseas and they join the swelling ranks of the unemployed. Once feeling like they could keep their heads above water, now they have no where to live. Their homes fall into foreclosure and their dreams and aspirations for themselves and their children vanish before their eyes. The safety net of unemployment benefits runs out and they grow desperate. There are many reasons people become poor. Criminal and juvenile attorney James Sullivan has represented and fought for the legal rights of countless poor clients over the past 25+ years. In that past, he willingly accepted court appointments and fought for his appointed clients just as hard as he did for his retained clients. In addition, he offered to reduce his legal fees on retained cases so that he could be accessible to more people. Although Sullivan no longer accepts court appointed cases, he does reduce his fees on deserving cases.
If you need a Houston criminal lawyer, call James Sullivan at 281-546-6428 for a free consultation.
A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization. ~Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784).